Monitor All Your Books

Ratings, rank, price … all in one place

Indie Publishing is hard

Keeping track of your books shouldn't be

Photo by Jess Morgan on Unsplash

We're indie publishers. We've got things to do. One of those things is checking all the places where our books are sold or rated. Is the price correct? What's the book rank? Did it get a new rating? These things are important. But they're also time-consuming to check.

When you self-publish a book, most of the sites where your book is listed do a poor job of notifying you when something changes. Some vendors (you know who) even change your price on a whim. Checking this stuff involves manually going through over a dozen different websites and checking each page for updates. And you have to remember what changed.

That's for just one book. What if you have 3? How about 30?

Tablescraps gives you your time back by doing all the work for you. It keeps track of each of your sales pages and lets you know what was updated. Simple.

How does it work?

Once you get set up, Tablescraps does all the work for you. It's just a three step process:

1. Add your book

2. Tell Tablescraps where your book is online

3. You get an email when there's an update

It really is just that simple.

Pricing that you don't have to think about

The whole point of Tablescraps is that it does work for you so you don't have think about it. We set up our pricing with that same simplicity in mind.

It's easy to get started! Try one book FREE for 7 days. No credit card required. If you like the service (we think you will), then you can stick around for just $3.99/month. Have more books? That's easy. It's only a buck a book.

What you get

Collect data for one book from every supported bookseller and rating service where it's listed.

  • FREE 7 day trial, no credit card required
  • Every book site supported by Tablescraps
  • Email notifications when your book's stats change
  • See your book's stats at a glance
  • Add more books for $1 each
