Welcome to Tablescraps!

29 April 2023

Hi there!

Let's consider this your official introduction to Tablescraps, the scrappy little appy that helps you monitor your books. That's a cute slogan, but what does that actually mean? Basically, Tablescraps is here to help you save time. It literally does work so you don't have to. You tell Tablescraps where your books are online and it keeps track of the important information about them for you. When something changes, it lets you know. If nothing changes, it stays out of your way.

I built Tablescraps because I'm a published writer, too. And on top of that, I'm published wide. So just for one book, I've got over a dozen different pages to keep track of. Not only that, since each page is run by a different organization, everything is in a different place. It's tedious to try to remember where to look in order to check if there's a new rating or a review or if the vendor decided to change my book's price. I hate tedium. I hate feeling like I'm wasting my time.

I suspect that you do, too.

So that's why I'm sharing my tool with you.

I've officially opened registration for other published authors to give Tablescraps a shot. Your first 7 days are absolutely FREE. You don't have to share a credit card number or anything. And since it's still early days, if you choose to keep using Tablescraps beyond your 7-day trial, I've cut the price for the Basic Scrapper subscription by 50%. There's no reason not to try it!

Give Tablescraps a shot and let me know what you think. I've got a lot of plans for improvements and new features, so I'm super excited to share it with you.

Alright... enough yammering from me. You're time is valuable and I don't want to take up more than I have to.

Happy publishing!
